
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

essay answer scheme

Biochem Exam (My eyes are very sensitive twds BIO)
Time 9.00am-10.10am

At 9.30am (after finishing all MCQ's and very SHORT note within 30mins) :

Essay Q: Illustrate the heme catabolism and its byproducts excreted through kidney and intestine.

The essay booklet was blank. The writer was still searching for ideas to goreng for essay. But ended up calculating the probability to pass the paper. 55/110 X 100% = 50%. Amiin

Writer: "All I can remember was.. bilibirubin, billibiredin" (monolog dalaman)

Lecturer: "Att students, for the essay question, you just have to draw the diagrams and the reactions, it's enough. No need to explain in words. ok?"

Writer: Drawn 2 circles, labelled as kidney and intestine. Wrote bilirubin at the bottom of the 2 circles and an arrow connecting the words. *Grins*
 "Is this enough sir?"

Lecturer: "You have to write down the processes as well.."

Writer: "But I thought just now you said we need to draw diagrams only..." *Dissapointed face* *Brainstorming again*

Pray for my success everyone. :)


  1. gud luck fareez..hoh, nseb bek k.taqwa bce last minute taw..len kali k.taqwa xley bgtau korang masuk ape, brula k.taqwa dpt jawab soklan tue..hehehe

  2. haha!!! i like!!! diagram ONLY~~!!!
    weeeee~~~~~!!!!! XD
    insyaallah lulus... amin~~ =D

  3. k taqwa: patutla k taqwa tak termenung mse biochem dh xde idea dah nk tulis essay, berjaya melukis je.haha

    su'ai: amin!! haha sekime pun lukis diagram je :P


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