
Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Event: Intervarsity Kulliyyah of Dentistry 2010. (which supposedly means, a sports carnival among DENTAL students in public universities in Malaysia)

Venue: USM Kelantan.

Date: 30th Oct 2010.

We travelled for 5 hours from Kuantan to Kelantan (laju gile pakcik bus bawakk), and had our new jerseys on (the jersey's purple and i love it). It was my first time setting my feet in Kelantan but due to the overnight bus trip, I couldn't view the scenery there. wuuu. Here are some (lots) of pics about the day we went through.

Tgh recall lagu IIUM Leading the Way

Say 'gigiiii'
The purple contingent

Futsal Bro
"Wall wall wall!"
Handball Bro
Spot me :P
Tarik tali (yg baju merah tu uitm ehh..?)
Dinner & Closing Ceremony
Mimie ckp: Sebijik mcm hightable dining kat college! haha
First comers

Mini concert kot..

Futsal Sis- Silver Medal

Futsal Bro- Silver
You guys deserve gold medals.. :)
And oh, I met Mimie (representing UiTM for futsal) and Max and Acap came too! (from UMK). Thank you, you guys made my day :)

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