Wanna do a part-time job to cover your daily expenses? Try smuggling dental floss and toothpastes from the clinic nearby and sell them to the patients. You may use these useful tips as extra points;
New Uses for Dental Floss
- Unstick a photograph: Slide a length of dental floss under the corner of a photo that's stuck to an album page or another snapshot. Work the floss between the two surfaces to separate them without damaging the picture.
- Save a necklace: Rescue a busted strand by threading the beads onto dental floss for a quick, sturdy fix.
- Hang a painting: To hang lightweight artwork that's not in a heavy frame with glass, use dental floss in place of picture wire.
- String a popcorn garland during the holidays: Just thread the floss through a needle as you would ordinary sewing thread.
- Tie your hair back: If you don't have an elastic, use it to hold your hair before you wash your face.
- Cut a cheesecake: Use unwaxed, unflavored floss to slice any soft layer cakes, or homemade cinnamon buns from a roll.
1. Jewelry Polish
Out of the actual thing? Brighten tarnished baubles and precious metals by smearing them with a glob of nongel toothpaste. Gently buff with a soft cloth until they shine.
2. Computer Cleaner
Get grubby fingerprints off the keys by rubbing them with a white, baking soda–based toothpaste. Let dry, then wipe with a damp cloth.
3. Swim-Goggle Defogger
Coat each lens inside and out with nongel toothpaste and rinse. The paste helps prevent haziness.
4. Hand Deodorizer
After handling garlic or onions, apply a half-dollar–size amount to wet palms, rub together, and rinse.
5. Nail Brightener
Gently massage a little whitening toothpaste into nail beds to remove any yellowing.
6. Shoe Shine
Return white or light-colored kicks to their fresh-out-of-the-box state by erasing scuff marks with a soft toothbrush and a white nongel paste. Remove excess with a damp cloth.
heheh just kidding. don't do any smuggling.. nanti akan dapat free punya kalau visit kilang colgate. :P
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