
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

in my mind

i've tried moving forward,
but tripped.
it's hard for me to build the courage
to initiate anything again
so i'll just let the time decide.

ps; let the good times roll

Monday, November 28, 2011


Perbidalan ni boleh diibaratkan seperti peribahasa Bahasa Melayu, tapi perbidalan yang aku nak ketengahkan pada hari ini ialah perbidalan Nismilan (Negeri Sembilan). Idea entri ini dicetuskan oleh mak dan abah sewaktu kami menikmati sarapan pagi tadi. huahuahua ayat skema. Org nogoghi ni suko bona exaggerate sesuatu perasaan dengan expression, so kalau nak express sesuatu tu tak cukup dgn 1 perkataan, kena ada lagi extra 1 word to support the previous word. (maap la rojak, ni namo eh maleh)

for example:

sejuk mengokot.
This applies when someone is extremely cold. Contoh eh la tadi, uwan(nenda) den komplen bilik tido sojuk yg amek sobab eh dh pasang kipeh tp aircond pun pasang laie. Apo to tido sampai mengokot dek eh. Yolah wan, dah sebilik ompek orang mano tak paneh, uwan yo lah badan dah kocut memang la sojuk mengokot. kikiki

tawar meleset.
Hah ni tadi maso makan bihun singapore, mak den dah tambah tolo ngan garam, tapi tu pon tawar yo laie. Kok dah tambah garam pun tawar laie tula namo eh tawar meleset.

masin/pahit mencocoh.
Korg penah tak makan makanan yg terlalu masin atau pahit sampai muke jadi mcm ni--- (>.<) ? tulah yg dikatakan mencocoh. hoho

podeh merahang.
Merahang ni den raso la kan, macam bukak mulut a.k.a. jaw a.k.a rahang lebar2. Haaa kalau podeh bona mesti la orang tu bukak mulut godang2, which is what we call as merahang. hahaha. Oh ye, merahang jgk boleh diaplikasikan utk seseorg yg tgh menangis. "ekau ni apo to merahang tak boronti ni.." gituww.

Haa tu la deh. perbidalan utk rasa/taste or whatever u guys want to interpret.

p/s: Salam Awal Muharram 1433H :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

pre-exam rants


Next week is gonna be a nightmare. Guess what? yeah, i'm having exams!! *gulps*

YEAR 2 END OF BLOCK 1 EXAM 2011/2012
Monday : Microbiology
Tuesday : Pharmacology
Wednesday : Conservative Dentistry
Thursday : Pathology
Friday : Dental Materials & Prosthetic Dentistry

Time : 2.30pm 3.30pm, Venue : MPH, KOD.

Fewhhh. *praying hard*

Soooooooo, after 2months (yeh?) of lectures and clinics and labs, here comes the most intriguing part for the lecturers.. to test the students memorizing skills - through this written exams. Oh yeah i've read Microbe for the quiz last time but still couldn't answer those simple questions -_- need to cut down on entertainments perhaps :P

Let's go through some advice or tips or quotes from the lecturers, shall we? :D

Dr. Kais (Cons) : "Read between the lines."

How da ya guys interpret thaaaaaat?! I mean Dr, I can't even finish reading through all your arbitrary-highly-vocab lecture notes yet (esp High Speed Technique) and then you want me to read in between the lines some more?! which line, can you specify? Lols. soqsoqsoq

Dr. Anisa (Cons) : "Dentistry is stressful & fatiguing."

Now I know how stressful dentistry is, especially after entering the clinical sessions. I mean, how do you guys make a nice and cute cavity in UPPER premolar tooth of which is situated in the restricted patients' oral cavity if you can't even look at the mirror properly? You can't rest your head on the patients chest ofc, though we're handling with the dummy :P The mirror keeps going foggy & blur by the water sprayed from the handpiece.. I kennot see clearly.. I.. actually.. I don't know how to use the mirror properly......OTL. Can I extract the tooth and put it back later? lol

Dr. Ghasak (Patho) : "You need to study 3 times. Exam is easy for those who studied."

3 times?! it's too late Dr... you should have told us about that earlier, if possible right before we entered KOD >.< Dr said the 1st time is for concentrated studying, 2ndly is revision and 3rdly is quick glance of what you have studied before sitting for exam. I'm doing the 3rd now... oh somebody help mehhh

Dr. Ammar (DM & Prostho) : "Listen to my advice."

I shouldn't have been so shocked in your class Dr, i should not. cause I don't really remember what were your advices.. I believe there are plenty of them, besides "don't BLINK in my class", "don't yawn, it's HARAM", "ALL slides are important" and so on. Why I always remember the unimportant parts, wae?! D:

Dr. Hlaing (Pharmaco) : "All my questions are straight forward."

Hehe I don't have much to say bout Dr Hlaing coz he's so baik and comel. ily Dr :p

Huh i need to write at least this long for my essays to get some marks. well~ those are written just for fun, hope my lecturers don't come across this post, but if they do, these are just my excuses doctors! don't butthurt xD yes yes i'm gonna continue studying now! :D pray fer me peeps, thankyou :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

wordless wednesday #lostcount

anas missing in the pic :p thankies all fer ur hard work! :D

Friday, September 16, 2011


I wanna be carefree.. like how I used to be :D

as I went through my fb tagged pictures, I stumble upon this.
we looked so innocent ere! ;D & i'm so hidden lol

us wearing Might-K's. 2006 perhaps?

Memories - Panic! At The Disco
He was the congregation's vagrant,
With an unrequited love.
When your passion's exaltation,
Then finding refuge is not enough.
She was the youngest of the family
And the last to be let go.
When they decided they would try to make it on their own.

Oh Memories!
Where'd you go?
You were all I've ever known!
How I miss yesterday!
How'd I let it fade away?
Where'd you go?

When July became December,
Their affection fought the cold.
But they couldn't quite remember,
What inspired them to go.
And it was beautifully depressing,
Like a street car named Desire.
They were fighting for their love that had started growing tired.

Oh Memories!
Where'd you go?
You were all I've ever known!
How I miss yesterday!
How'd I let it fade away?
Don't fade away!

When money lost momentum,
And the bills were piling high
Then the smile had finally faded,
From the apple of their eye.
They were young and independent,
And they thought they had it planned.
Should have known right from the start
You can't predict the end.

Oh Memories!
Where'd you go?
You were all I've ever known!
How I miss yesterday!
How'd I let it fade away?
Oh Memories!
Where'd you go?
You were all I've ever known!
How I miss yesterday!
How'd I let it fade away?
Don't fade away! 

ps: Happy Malaysia Day :)

Going to update about my dental school life :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

tak payah.

Salam Ramadan semua :)

Seperti biasa, bila Hari Raya akan datang menjelma, akan kedengaran lah bunyi2 cement mixer, kayu di ketuk2, bunyi batu bata di belakang rumah menandakan rumah tersebut sedang di renovate. So mestila akan ada pekerja-pekerja yang menjadi buruh bukan? Dan kebiasaannya buruh2 ini tidak berpuasa sebab aku nampak diorang minum air. Tetapi itu bukanlah topic perbincangan kita pada hari ini :p

Nak dijadikan cerita, ada lah salah seorang buruh ni orang Minang. Abang aku selaku project manager selalu la borak2 dengan pakcik ni. Aku ni walaupun konon-kononnya ada darah keturunan minang (suku seri lemak minangkabau) tapi aku tak paham langsung sangat loghat minang ni. Yang aku tahu 'sakit paruik = sakit perut'. Sangat praktikal perkataan itu, hoho. 

So ada lah satu hari ni, abang aku cakap pakcik Minang tu bagitau, ‘Kalau tahu Al-fatihah, tak payah sembahyang..’ (sila baca dgn nada orang minang).  Haa apa korang pikir bila dengar orang cakap camtu? I was like, whaaaaaat pakcik?! My thoughts were, if you know/understand the meaning of surah al-fatihah you don’t have to pray. Sebab akan terjamin berada di jalan yang lurus. Tapi ajaran sesat sungguh la kan. Haha. Korang mesti akan terfikir benda yang sama, betul tak? *angguk angguk*

Ummul furqan Al-Fatihah

Tapi belum sempat aku nak digest maksud tersirat di sebalik ayat beliau, mak aku dah mencelah. "Tak payah tu maksud eh bukan tak yah/ tak perlu sembahyang, tapi tak payah = tak susah. Makno eh kalau dah tau camno nak baco alfatihah tak bersusah payah la nak smayang". Haaaaaa kau. Tipah tetipu. Nasib baik aku tak isytihar lagi kat blog aku yang pakcik minang ni bagi ajaran sesat. Heuheuheu. Tapi betul gak en ckp pakcik ni.. Hehe.

Itula padah kalau ada masalah komunikasi. Haha. So pengajarannya? Ada banyak. Fikir-fikir kan sendiri. Yang penting, jangan tinggal solat. Sebab kalau tau baca al-fatihah, tak payah semayang :P

Friday, July 15, 2011


Salam semua!

Excited plak aku. Eheh. Mana tak nya, sekarang blogspot dah bagi tukar favicon! Tak tau favicon tu ape? Ala icon sebelah link korang kat atas tu. Kalau dulu, nak tukar icon B tu punyalah payah (based on tutorial yang cikepal tu penah tulis kat blog dia la) membuatkan aku malas nak beriya2 tukar icon tu. Tapi sekarang ni sonang yo, pegi kat design tab, pastu trang tang tang korang akan nampak box 'Favicon' dekat atas sekali. Just upload a square picture, and it's done! Easy peasy right?  Icon aku guna tu tak lain dan tak bukan bf number 1 aku, L (myungsoo). dah2, pergi google sendiri L tu sape. kihkih.


Di samping aku membuang masa dengan spam boyfriendsS aku kat twitter, aku juga gemar meng-google japanese smiley sebab aku boleh gunakan smiley tu utk spam dorang.  Nampak tak connection kat situ? ( ̄ー ̄) pfft. Anyways, aku just nak highlight part 'buang masa' tu. Aku juga berjaya menggodek2 photoshop & produce my very first ultimate piece of shit artwork :') tarik nafas dulu sebelum tengok hmphh~


woohyun in his cheesy mode :P

Ok sila ketawa riang gembira sekarang! Buruk kan? hahaha i know i know. first try kot! dahla tak attend formal PS class, pergi workshop (dgn mariah woot woot) pun hampeh sbb semua yg diajar semua aku lupa. haha. Tp nak ckp thank you kat kina sebab tolong ajar sikit2 cara nak guna PS. :D Nampak tak apa yg aku nampak? Kunun2 nak buat splatter tapi jadi macam bunga kembang semangkuk je hrmphh :">

Ok guys jgn lupa komen banner tak seberapa aku ni, nak tlg ajar pakai PS pun boleh :)

Ps: INFINITE's new album teaser will be out at 11pm tonight! can't waittt ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

Thursday, June 16, 2011

[KPOP] Block.B or B1A4?

MTV Match Up Block B vs B1A4

starting 22nd June, 11pm 
(not sure whether its gonna air in astro or not -_-) 

i'm soooo gonna watch this! so who's your bias? 
mine, of course Block B (in black) :P
both groups (i believe) have their own charms. 
but i prefer BB cuz they got swag and catchy songs! :D 
this is gonna be awesome, U-Kwon my chopper, wait for noona!! XD

ps: catch Block B new MV teaser, Halo :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

dear 4th Legacy

GOOD NEWS!!!! now, the price is only rm55 for all... (for those who attend the congress and for those who doesn't). only few seats are still available!!! for those who interested and wanna make a confirmation, please contact me, ZUL (0163918631) as soon as possible..


Thursday, June 2, 2011

SJ-M @ Hari Belia

Date: 28th May 2011
Venue: Putrajaya
Event: Himpunan Sejuta Belia (Free concert)

I know I should have posted this earlier. But who cares, I just wanna show the pics I took! :)
I was sitting comfortably with my sister & friends under this huge white canopy right in front of the stage, hoping that my energy won't be wasted (Although I want to see them up close, but thinking that I need to stand up for 3 hours I changed my mind). Here's my view:

very comfy right.....

The concert started at 8pm with Farah Asyikin as the 1st performer, followed by Nadia AF & someone (My Starz LG winner kot).

you can see everyone is still sitting obediently

Then from 9pm-10pm we waited in boredom because Super Junior M (SJM) won't show up till 10pm. I thought I heard Farah said there were loads more Malaysian artistes gonna perform? But nahhhh there's none and I can see people snoring during that 1 hour break. Epic failure for concert management & organizer.

tick tock tick tock. 10pm.  and then..... here comes SJM!!  the crowd went crazy, plus people at the back (including me) shouting angrily to those in front who wont sit! what on earth la, ade kerusi korang nak berdiri? kufur nikmat betul!
Since the front seaters are sooooo stubborn and annoying, we had to stand in order to see SJM clearly. well not so clear, lol. Mind you my friend, era stand on 5 stacked chairs, and I used 3 chairs. heh. Sorry org blakang :P

So SJM performed for 1 hr, song list: Perfection, Blue Tomorrow, Super Girl, and others which I've never heard before. lol. Only 6 ppl came, Donghae & Siwon couldnt make it cuz they are busy with their drama acting TT__TT. Ryeowook, Henry, Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk & Zhoumi had their solo performance.


kyuhyun, my bias :)

 There were also chit chat session. 6 lucky fans were selected. T.T

of all fangirls, they chose a man?!! jsdfhfhdjstg

this girl gonna dieeeeee coz he hugged my Kyu two times. look at his blissful face LMAO
Sitting standing on chair is exhausting. I'm not gonna come to free concert nemore (hopefully). KBS please dont organize any free concert next year puhleaseeeee. TQ :D

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lu pikirlah sendiri

Mood: PMS
To: You-Know-Who (sorry but not you Voldermort)
Language: Rojak buah

Firstly nak ckp sorry sbb entry ni mmg xde gambar. Tak sesuai kot nak letak! :p

Ok, ape dah aku nak marah tadi? haaaa. Aku just nak ckp, kpd kawan-kawan lama yg rasa aku ni dah lupakan mereka atau lebih tepat lagi lupa kawan, aiyem sorree (read: i'm sorry). Sbb nye mmg btul pun. haha takdela. sbb nye aku tak tau la nak explain mcm mane, sbb nye (bape kali sbb tah) apa yg dorang rasa tu tak betul pun. dorang kena faham, aku ni pemalas, kalau dorang msg, aku ade sedikit malas dan kedekut nak reply, nak2 kalau msg tu berbaur general info. so generally i won't reply. kalau number maxis takpe, confirm aku akan reply sbb 1sen je. hehehe

Lagi satu wa nak ckp la, wa rasa lu sebagai kawan baik wa (walaupun birthday wa lu tak wish), lu tak payah la nak rahsia2 misteri2 sangat. sbb nye wa tak tau nak borak ape ngan lu kalau lu tak cerita pape kat wa. lu asyik2 suh wa cerita pasal boyfriend wa, wa ada sedikit tersinggung la sbb wa dah cramp2 jari tulis wa takde boyfriend! (kan dah semua org yg baca ni dah tau rahsia aku -_-) so apa kata lu cerita pasal perkembangan hidup lu plak? takkan la setiap kali nak reminisce moments zaman muda2 dulu, life must go on beb. yela mak wa pun penah ckp, jgn baik sgt dgn orang, maknanya tak payah la cerita semua2 kisah keturunan nenek moyang kat best friend lu, tapi wa tak mintak semua tu, wa nak lu cerita pasal perkembangan semasa lu je. tu jerrrrrrr.

Aha ni lagi satu, lu tak payah la nak condemn2 taste wa, wa minat lelaki jambu ke, jambu batu ke, betik ke sireh ke tak payah la nak pandang sinis. (tipu je, aku tak nampak pun reaction muka die cmne haha) Tau la taste wa tak hollywood cm lu. Tak macho bagai. Wa minat lelaki Asia je, Korea specifically, yg mmg possible nak jumpa kalau wa pegi konsert dorang. sbb tu wa minat penyanyi. kalau wa minat pelakon boleh jumpe dalam tv je, tak thrill la beb. (tp lu kalau dapat jumpa Alex Pettyfer jangan lupa roger wa XD) 
Memang muka dorang tak berapa nak macho, tapi dah mmg muka dorang camtu nak bwt camne. Takkan wa nak suruh dorang buat plastic surgery? (mentang2 la org Korea huuu sampai hati).  Lu kena tau pepatah 'rambut memang sama hitam tapi hati lain-lain'. Ke rambut lu tak hitam? sorry la wa tak tau lak rambut lu merah ke kelabu ke, tula wa dah suruh lu cerita lu taknak! :P Wa nak lu relax sbb wa minat sebagai hobi je (gile pedo noona -_-') wa bukan nak buat dorang jd husband pun. Chill eh? hehh

Ape tah aku merepek? haha gasak la. sape yang dah baca tu tahniah. sape yg tak bace lg tu, wa tulis khas buat lu ni! hahaha. tapi jgn butt hurt or heart sick eh, ni namanya sindrom gatal tangan nak tulis entry walaupun takde gossip sensasi. hehe. 

ps: dah jumpa SJ-M masa Hari Belia 2011. mantap la KBS :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Yesterday 090511

Thank you everyone who remembered :)
Not to forget, all my twins: Puteh, Tasnim & Hakim Happy Birthday!

Special thanks to Kak Taqwa for this special post. so sweeeet. hehe

Still have 1 Physiology paper & OSPE left.

gotta read read read & study study study. TT___TT
jgn jadi mcm OB tadi asyik berair je mate jwb paper, tak cukup tido+tak cukup bace :P

just a short update. later!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 8th

Happy Mother's Day,

Mommy Zek :)

Love you lots;

Monday, April 25, 2011


Simple branched tubular?

is it just me or is that statement a bit confusing?

"simple glands have excretory ducts which are single & un-branched."
but.. "simple tubular gland can be subdivided into 3 - one of which is simple branched tubular"

that is what we call an oxymoron!!
anatomy pls be nice to meeeeee -_-'

ok, enuff being emo. *continue studying*

ps: sustainable development is an oxymoron. (rausyanfikir's)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

xde pape

sape taknak tgk suju free wei. (highlight the text to read)

den dah koba xdo papo.
buek jorih yo kau baco  :P

Monday, April 18, 2011

pro exam

"hoi. nk exam pun online lagi?
alaa blog ni dah cam semak samun bersawang bersarang semut daaa.
yela2, make it short je tau. tau." monolog dalaman


bahawasanya saya akan menduduki peperiksaan Professional Exam 3-20 Mei 2011 ni.
oleh yg demikian, saya mahu memohon maaf atas segala salah dan silap
kalau ada terkasar bahasa, tersakitkan hati, terambik makanan dan segala ter-
mafkan lah ye.

jgn lupa doakan saya (dan rakan2) LULUS dengan CEMERLANG dalam exam ni.
sbb kalau fail even 1 subject kena repeat the whole 1st yr :(

PROFESSIONAL EXAM : 4As :)  *muke penuh purapura*

#some random facts not being uttered above:
i like infinite. more than suju.
i want ipad2. or iphone4.
i wanna sleep. more.
i nak balikk. cepat.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tunics - decided


Sorry but I had to postpone the promised post regarding tooth carving.
(Molar's in the making yaww!)

So dearest my 1st yr dental batchmates.. How do you guys feel? Hehe.
Our tunics would be yellow-orangish in colour aite?
Perhaps like.. this?

consider the middle one xD

WOW. I never thought our Dean would really choose this colour.
I mean, there were just me and wan who suggested this colour at the end of the voting session (which ended 'suddenly' & 'unexpectedly') and only a minority of 7 ppl agreed to it and the colour was surfaced at the very last minute.. So I never thought Dr Bo would really choose this! xD

Though I am so pleased upon hearing the news, still there are majority of my classmates, yeah, YOU who are a bit disappointed with the colour chosen. Well, it's good that we didn't choose the final colour ourselves kan? Cos later on, you guys can always give the excuse "..ala, dean yg pilihkan." to anyone who complains about our outstanding tunics :P

Nevertheless, I'm still saying I'm happy :) because you see, we're gonna wear white tudungs and white pants and white shoes with the tunics, so don't you think it's better if we have a brighter tone of tunic to match altogether? And another thing, our future children patients would be happy and excited to meet us cos judging from our appearance, we'll all look BRIGHT and sunny :) just imagine a white dental clinic filled with yellowish orangish shirts.. pwetty :) haha yea yea I'm being bias but as Dr Bo Bo Ko always says, "whatever"~ xD

The thing is, they should have given us the catalogue earlier, and let us discuss thoroughly and all, but nevermind. We just can't blame the authority right? :P

So friends, stop worrying about the colour. focus on pro exam oggeh? this implies to me as well. tata!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

takdek keje

i'm in the library. huiyooo.
and the internet is super duper lajuuu. huiyooo.

nakk update. nak3.
nak tulis post ttg tooth carving. lame, i know.

sape nak bace??
sbb klu ramai tanak aku tanak tulis. hahaha


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Don't call him Mickey Mouse

He definitely can SING :)

He can rap,
play musical instrument,
compose songs,
and he speaks english damn well XD
On top of that, he can act! 
(latest - Sungkyunkwan Scandal)

durhh.. of course he can dance too :)

Well well well, what more could you ask from this guy ere?
No no, not the cheeks please~ >.<
He's so close to being PERFECT :D

In case you don't know, he's the cool, one and only

but.. I really3 hope he's still in DBSK, not JYJ. TT__TT

Sunday, February 6, 2011

ignore this too


aku tak nak add kau la.. FAHAM TAK??

jangan membebel kat nawal la.. FAHAM TAK??

ps: ni maksudnya aku dah annoyed tahap gaban sampai aku terpaksa post kat blog. FAHAM TAK??

Thursday, February 3, 2011


it was a.w.k.w.a.r.d.

now, I technically realized that
we're just 2 people who happened to know each other.

well, I don't think you can consider me as one of your buddies, do you?
what's past is past. just glad that you'vemoved on :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Gonna sit for my 1st Pre-professional Exam next week! huuuu

7th-11th Feb 2011

Great timing huh..right after CNY. Which means I'm not coming back this CNY hols. But nvm, looking on the bright side, I get to study during the cuti. Cause we don't have study week before exam period.

Seriously I don't have that fighting spirit to get any As this time.. Perhaps my dad should give me prezzie if I get better results like he used to? Abah, tolong la bace blog kite. hihi. 

Anyways, been studying this weekend, and for the first time in my life, I could feel the satisfaction..  Studying IS FUN. XD  No wonder people always say: study because you want to know, not just because of you wanna get good results. (eventho the latter should be considered true :P)

All the best my comrades :) 

Jangan hampakan harapan orang2 yang telah menaruh harapan itu :D (asal cam pelik?cam ayat Prof J laa mihihi)

Saturday, January 22, 2011



Ni nak cerita sikit.
Pada hari rabu yang lepas, kami sekelas 45 org bersama2 lecturers (Dr. BoBo & Dr. Solah) dentists (Dr. Salwana & Dr. Zeti) & staff nurse telah turun ke KL membuat rombongan meminang melawat Zoo Negara. Haaa igt kitorang ni dah besar2 gajah takde school trip ke? Best kotttt (eleh setiap kali ade chance nak kuar je mesti excited). Dengan aku yang tertinggal purse kat bilik terpaksa berlari2 pukul 6.45 pagi tu, terpaksa pulak berlari2 lagi untuk kejar bus yang hampir2 nak tinggalkan aku. sampai atiii tauu -_-'.

Lepas tu biasela, bile dah naik bus je mesti mata akan automatic jd kuyu. 3jam tu adalah waktu tidur yang berkualiti ye adik2. Sampai2 je kat Zoo, Dr. BoBo telah memaksa kami beratur ikut kumpulan pastu berjalan dlm 1 barisan dari pintu gate ke entrance zoo, ala2 military gitu. aduyaiii. Kitorang kan siap ade nametag lagi tau, ikut warna kumpulan. haha comell kann.. not.

Saje letak name pendek2 bia orang tak nampak
Lepas tu kami semua di bawa masuk ke 1 bilik ni untuk hadiri seminar. Seminar on animal's dentition. Jumpe la dgn Dr. Felix selaku Deputy Director kat Zoo tu. Seminar tu same mcm lecture kat kelas sbb kitorang sume take note apa yg Dr cerita, quite interesting sbb byk info2 yg kitorang tak tau. For intance, snakes don't possess any muscles of facial expression, so it's hard to know whether they're sick or not. Unlike primates who often express their sickness through their face. Poor snakes.. Probably that's why Voldemort can't smile.

Kemudian kami beralih ke hospital zoo yang comel itu, untuk melihat bagaimana haiwan2 dirawat. Dapat pegang puma, musang, beruk, biawak.. (asal binatang2 ni mcm familiar je kt uia huhu). Before treatment, they have to anesthetize the animals to prevent any chaos. Dari luar cage tu, pekerja akan sumpit bius yg ada dalam syringe and inject kan dekat haiwan berkenaan. So agak2 bila haiwan tu dah pengsan bolehla usung die masuk operation room. wahh.

Sebenarnya puma tu je yang sakit, haiwan yg lain tu kitorang nak examine gigi mereka je. Puma tu ade ear tumor, kesian gile sbb puma tu tak selera makan sbb kena chemotherapy. Huuu. Pastu bile check gigi puma tu, ada sulcus calculus rupenye.. (Calculus ni mcm plaque yg dah keras la ). So kena la buang calculus die. hehe. Musang and beruk tadi takde calculus so Dr cakap takyah buat scaling. hihihi. Sorry tak boleh upload gambar sbb staff zoo tu tak bagi~ nanti la I edit blurr2 kan pics bg uollss tgk ok? :P

And then kitorang makan lunch yg lazat (sbb free) and then ade zoo tour untuk siapkan assignment. Ingat saje2 je ke pegi zoo? Masuk assessment marks tau, siap ada attendance sheet lg. huhu. So gerak la in group, aku dalam group carnivore. Jalan punya jalan, ingatkan nak naik tram, sekali ketua kumpulan dah lesap dgn kupon2 tram skali. huhu terpaksa la I jalan kaki masuk savannah walk. Jibby jadi mangsa dgr aku membebel. haha. Dah penat jalan sebenarnya, tapi lepas tgk otter aka memerang aka beaver terus jadi mcm hyper sekejap. I jumpe Justin Beaver Bieber you! ohemgee.

Mase group lain tgh seronok2 tgk animal show (ada parrot, anjing laut kecik, anjing laut gemok), group kitorang baru nak naik tram. Wahh nikmat gile naik tram sbb ada angin ape sume, huhu. Dah habis tour tu, kitorg berkumpul balik.. sbb dpt minum tea! O yeahh best nye makan~

Kalau dah perempuan tu perempuan jugak la kan. So before balik tu kitorang singgah kejap (kejap ke?) kat souvenir shop. Comell nye bnde2 kat situuu hihihi. Aku pun beli la hat satu. konon2 tourist la jln2 pakai topi padahal dah nak naik bus :P. After amik gambar beramai2 kami pun gerak pulang ke Kuantan. Sob3.

Nampak tak I kat blakang yg pakai hat tu? Sebelah Datin lagi tuu XD

ps: nak upload manyak2 gmbr lg tapi lupe nak amik kat fariha. biasela org miskin takdek camera sniri. hehe.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Happy New Year everybody!

Still searching for new year's resolutions.. cause from what I heard, you have to set targets that you'll be able to fulfill. But how do you know whether you can achieve something if you haven't aim for that something? So my conclusion is, don't listen to others :D Set your own goals, and with all your might, go for it! (through permissible ways i mean)

But I keep setting the same goalS every year (study awal, siapkan homework on time, jgn xerox org, jgn tido dlm kelas, jd gemok etc etc) and keep failing to achieve em.. haha those things are from school years.

Anyways, there's loads more to do other than thinking about the resolutions.. So to start off, let's thank our Creator for giving us the chance to breathe and improve ourselves, and pray to Allah for a great year ahead :)

Oh Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful,
enrich us with Your bountiful wisdom.
Show us the true ways of Islam, as you have manifested in the Holy Quran. 
Guide us to the light and virtues towards the hereafter, and let us not astray by the worldly matters.

ps: am blogging through my new lappy! happyyy :p

flickr stream.
frzee's geoforest park photoset frzee's geoforest park photoset
